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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

All the info you’ll need

This opinion piece is about 5 years old

Tracey Bird examines some of the key events taking place at this year's Gathering

We get over 1,200 enquiries to the SCVO Information Service every year. Everything from setting up a charity, to taking on a new member of staff, to help with writing a safeguarding policy, or reviewing a property lease. But the top two topics are the same year in and year out…governance and funding.

Not surprising really, good governance is essential to any effective voluntary organisation, and of course diverse and sustainable funding is vital too. So that’s why we’re hosting two events in one day at this year’s Gathering

Good Governance at The Gathering is an interactive workshop which will explore what good governance looks like in Scotland’s third sector. With experts from SCVO’s pro bono legal and tax advice services, as well as our own Information Service team, we’ll take a look at the Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector’s five core principles and the key elements of good governance. We’ll be using SCVO’s Good Governance Checkup to show how you can evidence and demonstrate good governance in your organisation, and will look at practical tools and resources to support boards.

Funders Question Time is a chance to engage with a panel of funding experts from some of the major funders in Scotland, including Children in Need and SSE Renewables. Organised by Funding Scotland, SCVO’s free online searchable funding database, this event will give you up to the minute information on the latest funding opportunities, with expert panellists available to answer your funding questions.

Both of these events are on Thursday 20 February, but there’s lots of other great expert-led sessions on the Wednesday (19 February too). There’s more on governance with OSCR exploring The tools for good governance and there’s financial sessions such as Mythbusting for Charity Investors, a Charity Finance Update 2020 and a look at Investment Policy Statements. And there’s even talk of a Naked Treasurer being there…bet you can’t resist seeing what that’s all about!

Tracey Bird
Tracey Bird

We look forward to seeing you at the The Gathering, which is the UK’s largest free voluntary sector event in the UK. You’ll find over 65 free workshops, seminars and training sessions and more than 100 exhibitors. It’s a special event to network and catch up with colleagues, showcase what we do and share our challenges and successes. With access to free, practical information and the opportunity to find out more about the big issues affecting the sector, it is a great event for organisations to attend. Thousands of people from all over Scotland come along each day, so I’m sure there will be lots of interesting questions and topics of discussion.

Tracey Bird is information officer at the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO). The SCVO stand is number 90. Good Governance at The Gathering takes place at 1.30pm on Thursday 20 February in the Dochart Suite. Funders Question Time runs from 11.15am to 12.15pm on Thursday 20 February in the Alsh Suite.