Adam Bennett, 22, talks about his experiences as a trustee with Scouts Scotland
I wanted to become a trustee with Scouts Scotland to ensure that the voice of our young people was heard at a board level. This voice is at the centre of everything we do in the Scouts, but I hoped that I could bring a different paradigm to that equation.
To be involved in any board is a huge honour, but being on the board of Scouts Scotland is a particular highlight of mine, and I'm excited to see the progress that we make as a movement.
The main benefit that I experience by being on the board is that I get to help shape something I love, and I hope that we continue to get it right for the 40,000 young people that are in Scouts. Another benefit is getting to meet, interact, and work with other trustees. Some of which have a Scouting background, some of which do not. That mix is hugely important in any charity because you need people who understand the engine, as well as people who know what sound it should make.
It is the responsibility of trustees to make sure that the charity is the best it can be, and it's no coincidence that the most effective charities have a great trustees. A good board of trustees' exemplifies the culture and values of the charity, highlights its strength, and ensures good practice throughout the organisation.
Being a trustee can be challenging, and it requires the voluntary contribution of lots of your own time. It is often said that the harder you work at something then the easier it becomes; but as a trustee, you're constantly striving for better, so whilst it doesn't necessarily become easier, it never stops being rewarding.
Adam Bennett is a trustee for Scouts Scotland