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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Chief Encounters: Celine Sinclair, The Yard

This opinion piece is over 7 years old

The chief executive of the play and respite facility for disabled children is proud to have seen the organisation grow

What is the first thing you do when you arrive at work? I always greet people and see how they are. I am teased for my relentless optimism but I think a cheerful start to the day sets the tone.

What makes a good day at work? Smiling children and young people, laughter in a team meeting and a to do list with ticks.

How often do you socialise with colleagues outside the Christmas party? We have a great number of events through work so I get lots of opportunities to share time with my colleagues. I like and respect each and every one of them. They are all very individual and fabulous company.

Is it better to work for a big charity or a small charity? It doesn’t matter. Culture is the cornerstone of success. Our values are understanding, kindness, adventure and a sense of community and if you are big or small with this at the heart you cannot fail but to be inspired.

What do you enjoy most about working at The Yard? I love everything about working at The Yard. I love the energy, the challenge and the responsibility and most of all witnessing the successful journeys that children and young people experience with support from a truly invested team.

What’s your favourite book? Let it Go by Dame Stephanie Shirley, the memoir of one of Britain’s leading philanthropists.

Would your 16-year-old self be impressed with where you are now? They would be surprised to find me in Scotland having spent long stretches of time in far flung places.

Which do you prefer and why – Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin? Facebook as I get the chance to see and learn what friends around the world are up to.

What’s your perfect weekend? Cooking and eating at home and spending a long night at a long table catching up with friends and family.

What has been your greatest achievement so far? Building The Yard from supporting 50 families ten years ago to 960 families today. I have had to learn so many new skills on the journey but it has reinforced my belief that by bringing good people together you can make a difference so you should always seize the day.

What was your first job? Radio production assistant with the Latin American Service in the BBC World Service.

Is the third sector a calling or an accident? Undoubtedly a calling. I feel lit up by the voluntary sector and value the fact that we can be pace setting and respond to need quickly and effectively if well run.

Which Brian Cox do you prefer? I live and breathe The Yard so I would have to say the actor as he hails from Dundee and we are about to embark on building a new centre there. If we met I would be doing my best to persuade him to spearhead our campaign!