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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Cyber attacks are on the rise, how prepared is your organisation?

This opinion piece is over 1 year old

With cyber attacks on the rise, there has never been a more crucial time for Public and Third Sector organisations to get involved with cyber exercising and practice their response to real-world cyber attacks.

Exercise in a Box is a free 90-minute non-technical workshop which helps organisations test and practice their internal response to many cyber issues. It was developed by the National Cyber Security Centre and The Cyber and Fraud Centre – Scotland team have been expertly delivering Exercise in a Box sessions to Public and Third Sector organisation across Scotland, where the Centre facilitates one of the scenarios.

With more Public and Third Sector organisations being the target of cyber attacks, we are calling for all Public and Third Sector to join one of their many Exercise in a Box sessions to practice and test their response in the event that their organisation is a target of an attack.

What to Expect During an Exercise in a Box Session

You don’t have to be a cyber expert to join one of the sessions. In fact, we encourage employees from different departments of an organisation to join as criminals can target any individual in an organisation, regardless of their role or level.

The session will be run by one of our ethical hackers who will encourage collaborative discussions to develop your knowledge and help your organisation identify areas where it could improve.

Why Join an Exercise in a Box Session

Is vital for organisations to participate in cyber exercising to help them prepare for a potential cyber attack, preparing will help to mitigate the threat as much as possible. We create a safe environment for each participant taking part, so every participant feels comfortable joining in.

Some benefits of cyber exercising include:

  • Understanding actual versus perceived capabilities of people and technology.
  • Deciding where to invest budgets in training or new technology.
  • Building muscle memory and reducing stress for security teams and management.
  • Improving morale and team building.
  • Meeting regulatory requirements.

Upcoming Sessions

Our next Exercise in a Box session will take place on the 6th  of December from 9:30am. This session wall take place on Microsoft Teams, so that organisations across Scotland can take part. This session is an introductory session to the ‘Micro Exercises’ scenario for Third Sector organisations and Charities. Lasting only 45 minutes, this is a great opportunity to participate if you are short on time or wanting a taster session to learn more. The Micro Exercises scenario combines several fundamental aspects of cyber security that all organisations, regardless of size or level of cyber knowledge can benefit from and enjoy.

Visit the Cyber and Fraud Centre – Scotland Exercise in a Box page for more information and upcoming sessions: