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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Transform your Fundraising with BTA’s Expert Grant Writing course.

This opinion piece is about 3 years old

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Do you need to raise more money from grant applications? The Grant-Writing Toolkit from BTA Knowledge will give you the vital building blocks of successful grant applications.

Do you need to raise more money from grant applications? The Grant-Writing Toolkit from BTA Knowledge will give you the vital building blocks of successful grant applications.

Covid has altered the grant landscape and made it essential to have strong, well-developed applications ready to go as soon as funds open. This in-demand course will help you upgrade your fundraising skills and secure your income.

Let us tell you exactly how to plan, create and submit successful applications for just a few hours a week, and transform your fundraising.

A toolkit participant said: “Very informative and full of useful information with clear and concise direction, excellent back up videos to study in your own time and on hand tutor advice throughout. Would recommend to anyone looking for grant funding from new to seasoned administrators.”  

The Course

Designed for busy charity leaders or anyone who needs to learn grant-writing fast, our 6-week block course will teach you how to plan, create and submit successful applications in just a few hours each week. You will receive:

• Senior fundraising strategist support and professional drafting expertise from BTA Head of Knowledge Phyllis Martin

• One 75-minute live small group training per week, recorded to watch anytime

• Office Hours Q&A for one-to-one advice

• Time-saving templates of real successful applications, databases and supporting documents for you to use

Week 1 - Strategy - know what makes your projects fundable and where to find funders.

Week 2 - Method - learn how to compartmentalise and priortise to make a basic grant-writing plan for the year ahead.

Week 3 - Planning - create a detailed timeline for your programme that avoids the common mistakes and shows funders you know what you are doing.

Week 4 - Create a detailed funding budget, learn how it’s different from a delivery budget and make sure you include the details that funders need to say yes.

Week 5 - Impact - impress funding panels with rock-solid outcomes and indicators.

Week 6 - Not Just Good But Great - how to use evidence of need to stand out from the crowd, what to say and how to say it.

A toolkit participant said: “I would definitely recommend this to all small charity groups as I think it would be hard to find a course which offers so much development and the ongoing support has been amazing.”

Course Details

Launch: Wednesday 7th July, weekly live sessions, recorded for access on your schedule.

Fee: £850 ex VAT

Questions: Book your free 15 minute surgery to check that the course is right for you at:, or contact, 01786 542 224.

Places are strictly limited to deliver tailored support.

Make sure you hit the deadlines that can support your programmes and book today. Looking forward to getting you grant-writing ready!