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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Poll: Do political parties take the third sector seriously?

This poll is almost 10 years old

The third sector is conspicuous by its absence in party manifestos. Do political parties consider the third sector enough?

Do political parties take the third sector seriously?


While the leading political parties put forward plans for business and public sector reform ahead of the General Election, little has been made this time around of what the third sector can offer.

This is in contrast to 2010 when the ill-fated Big Society idea put the sector at the forefront of political parties’ thinking.

Just five years on have charities lost all influence with political parties? What do you think?

Vote and tell us your thoughts.

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janet weir
almost 10 years ago
Sadly, political parties don't take the third sector seriously. This is partly their own fault for their low wages and continued devaluing of humans in terms of worth. Many third sector pay scales are way below any other sector for the amount of responsibility worker have.Examples of this are Enable Scotland who you fetaured on your website as paying people £2.50 per hour for sleepovers, if you are at your work you get paid an hourly rate. another example is Quarriers who pay their support staff between 14k and 18k per year for being responsible for very vulnerable people. How can you be taken seriously by others, when you behave in this way?
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Robert Bruce
almost 10 years ago
As with all things in life, it depends who you are talking to, what you are talking to them about, and even how and when you choose to do the "talking".Certain individuals will have very personal passions, and care about certain causes and charities for very personal reasons. And as in all walks of life, others either couldn't care less, or they don't have the time, inclination or energy to care more.I think overall the third sector is highly respected by politicians, and on the whole is listened to by the political classes. But on their terms.As always, successful communication depends on the message, the messenger, the timing......but you also need to make sure you focus on your audience - tell them what you need to be told, but in a way which they will want to listen and hear.The best piece of journalistic advice I ever saw came from Hunter S Thomson. And I paraphrase.......but forget about the editor you work for, and focus instead on the readers you write for.Sound advice for all PR, public affairs and campaign professionals working in the third sector.
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