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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Poll: how will you vote in the general election?

This poll is over 5 years old

In the increasingly febrile atmosphere around Brexit, MPs have finally agreed to hold a general election in an attempt to cut through the chaos and (possibly) restore some stability.

The poll will be held on Thursday, 12 December – the first Christmas-period poll since 1923.

Outcomes are uncertain - as recent contests have confounded pollsters' predictions.

Now we’re asking: how will you vote?

Make your choice here and contribute to the debate by leaving a comment below.

How will you vote in a general election?

Labour Party
Conservative Party
Scottish National Party
Liberal Democrat
Scottish Socialist Party
Scottish Green Party
Brexit Party
Other party
Won't vote
Voting in this poll has now closed


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over 5 years ago
S.N.P. are the only choice: Destiny Land / North of the Border (Scot Land) is Stronger, Smarter & Wealthy enough to be Positive (Yes) instead of E.U.Exit (BRExit) as supported by 1%+
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over 5 years ago
Sad to see so many people voting Libdem; please look at Jo Swinson's habitual lies and her constant voting to prop up Tory austerity along with the Libdems now backing the sale of the NHS by their recent Common's behaviour
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May Gilchrist
over 5 years ago
I fear for the younger and older generation if we continue with this right wing government whose track record of deceit is astonishing. The NHS is not safe in their hands
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over 5 years ago
Labour Party offer genuine hope on a UK level - gotta stop the Right wing Tory destruction of NHS and welfare system. The Labour only party to have a second referendum (people's vote on final deal with option to remain) in their manifesto. The Lib Dem's despite being responsible for Austerity cuts will not have a people's vote and take away this crucial stage and ignore previous result. This gives people final say on Brexit which will more likely, more democratically, put the issue to bed either way.
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Lok Yue
over 5 years ago
I agree with Mary Gilchrist. The SNP Government is indeed deceitful and its handling of NHS Scotland a disgrace. I wouldn't classify it as right wing though
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over 5 years ago
Scotland still in cookout land. Independence will bankrupt you again and be bailed out by the English although next time they well not do so. Another stupid self serving load of fools that refuse to accept any economic sense. Just look at yourselves. Highest taxed in the U.K. Highest drug dealer has in the western world, failing education system and all paid for but the obscene £1600 per person paid by England for you. As do labour do SNP all socialism does and has done in the past is spend other people's money until it runs out in very ineffecient ways.
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Phil Jones
over 5 years ago
I am cannot believe that anyone from the third sector is going to vote Conservative, after over a decade of austerity with huge cuts to charity funding, even though the demand is massive due to Tory policies. words fail me.
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