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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Poll: is it time to nationalise our key industries and services?

This poll is almost 8 years old

​Nationalisation is back on the agenda - do you back it?

Is it time to nationalise our key industries and services?


After being written off as something from the past, public ownership has burst back onto the political scene with a vengeance.

The launch of Labour’s 2017 General Election manifesto this week put renationalisation to the fore, with the party pledging state takeovers of rail, mail and the energy industry.

This follows increasing calls in Scotland for our creaking rail service to be brought under public ownership and polls show overwhelming support for nationalisation of key industries.

So that’s why we’re asking – is this an idea whose time has come (again)?

Is it time to nationalise our key industries and services?

Vote now and get the debate going by leaving a comment below.

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almost 8 years ago
Nationalising industries is a proven failure of an economic idea. After World War 2 the UK celebrated by nationalising 60% of its economy to make itself the most collectivised economy outside the Soviet Union. The end result was the economic calamity of the 1970's of power shortages, militant trade unionism, three day weeks, un-buried dead bodies, rubbish piled up in the streets and being the recipient of the largest bailout package ever assembled by the IMF. Nationalisation, i.e. socialism, is a malignant creed of failure and we should not be seeking its rebirth in the UK.
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almost 8 years ago
As SCVO considers itself a key service in Scotland, it should be nationalised. And while we're at it, why don't we just nationalise all the third sector sock puppets out there?Then Comrade Martin can indulge in his wet dream fantasies without impacting the rest of us.
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almost 8 years ago
No-one is talking about the return to the 70s. Nationalising core industries like utilities and transport makes sense and there is clear evidence to show that a nationalised industry can still be profitable. Anyway nationalising could mean many things: co-operatives for example or other forms of community ownership. This is a concept worth serious consideration and constructive comment.
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Irene Martin
almost 8 years ago
Profits and subsidies should be for the British people, not for swelling the coffers of other countries.
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