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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Poll: should Christmas crackers be banned?

This poll is over 5 years old

Christmas is a time to be jolly, and for many families Christmas crackers are a key part of the festive season.

However eco-group BusinessWaste this week called for a ban on crackers and shiny wrapping paper as they create an “unnecessary waste” of money, resources and energy and claims consumers often abandon their “good recycling habits” on the big day.

Earlier this year, John Lewis and Waitrose said they would stop selling Christmas crackers containing plastic toys in a bid to reduce plastic usage.

So we are asking: do you think Christmas crackers should be banned?

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Should Christmas crackers be banned?

Voting in this poll has now closed


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Wee Fee
over 5 years ago
I don't think Christmas Crackers should be banned - they should be replaced by recyclable material and "proper" toys or treats - loo rolls and paint ...wi a sweetie in the middle !!
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over 5 years ago
There aren't half some killjoys going about!!
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over 5 years ago
Too simple a question! Banning plastics and unethical material, yes. There must be safer/saner alternatives!?
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Sophie Brown
over 5 years ago
I think it is possible to make eco-friendly crackers and if the government were to look at banning products there are probably other more damaging items that should be addressed first (eg. fizzy drinks in non-recyclable plastic bottles)
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over 5 years ago
This is irresponsible journalism and you should know better. It's just clickbait polarising the issue and provoking resentment of pressure to be more sustainable. Here's what BusinessWaste *actually* said: "Ditch the shop-bought crackers and make your own. All it takes is the middle out of a loo roll, a bit of tissue paper, and a bit of imagination for a gift and a joke." Their article is far more nuanced than yours:
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Annie Silver
over 5 years ago
Why not ban all commercial activity around Xmas, Easter, Halloween, etc. Think how much we will all save in terms of plastic, shiny paper, and other assorted rubbish. And the savings in monetary terms!
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lok yue
over 5 years ago
Dear Annie SilverTheir was a guy in Dickens who did that But he changed Ho Ho Ho Come on folks: lets enjoy our annual bachanalia: its good fun
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over 5 years ago
As long as the paper is recyclable and the object inside are too and not silly plastic useless rubbish which fills landfills!
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