Is bigger always better – or should charities be small and nimble?
There’s a debate going on in the third sector: to merge or not. Recently a leading think tank suggested more should merge in order to achieve their charitable purposes.
Merging would serve a range of functions – in fundraising terms it could clear the field where you have a myriad of charities campaigning on the same cause.
Perhaps more significantly, merging – in whole or in part – could bring significant savings as charities operate in increasingly fraught financial terrain.
It has also been argued that this could help to protect vital frontline staff and services.
However, it has also been claimed that retaining a separate identity maintains diversity in the third sector eco-system, and make charities better at meeting specialised need.
That’s why we’re asking: what do you think? Should more charities merge?
Vote now and join in the debate by leaving a comment below.
Should more charities merge?
- Yes
- 88
- No
- 35