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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

February 2025 (ongoing)

Cyber Scotland Week 2025: Keeping children safe online webinar

Parenting across Scotland
Want to know more about how to keep children and young people safe in an ever-increasing digital world? In partnership with Police Scotland’s Cybercrime Harm Prevention Team, Parenting Across Scotland is...
25 February Online Families & young people
March 2025

Status Quo or Status No: Rethinking Mental Health in Education

Cyrenians - Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution
This event is with Billy Burke, Head of Service, SAMH. We are in the midst of a mental health crisis, and status quo is not good enough for Scotland’s young people. This event will explore and discuss what...

Children's Rights and the incorporation of the UNCRC

Children in Scotland
Learn about children’s rights and how the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 supports best practice in the workplace. This training is for anyone working in the children’s sector and those wanting to...

Young Carers: Give me a Break

Cyrenians - Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution
This event is with Lorna Gibson, Young Carer Network Coordinator at Carers Trust Scotland. This event will give an oversite of who young carers are and the challenges they may face. You will also hear about...

An inclusive approach to supporting children with language difficulties

Cyrenians - Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution
This event is with Fiona Petrie, Speech and Language Therapist at NHS Lothian. Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is common but is often unidentified. So what is DLD and how is it recognised? What are the...

It Takes all Kind of Minds (Neurodiversity Workshop)

Cyrenians - Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution
This event is with Nelly Whaley, Training Manager at Salvesen Mindroom Centre. In this virtual workshop, we will explore how you can begin to take a more holistic, strengths-based approach to supporting...

Flipping the Script

Cyrenians - Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution
This event is with SCCR's Aimee McDonald, Emotional Health and Wellbeing Lead and Katie Walker, Learning Facilitator. Join us for a session designed to equip both parents and professionals with the tools to...

Balancing Screen Time

Cyrenians - Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution
This event is with Sheena Peckham, Content Lead at Internet Matters. Understanding children’s and young people’s relationship with digital is key to finding common ground when it comes to managing screen time...
April 2025

Shaping our future: Empowering those who are care experienced

Children in Scotland
This event is for anyone that would like to develop their understanding of how best to support care experienced children and young people.

Child Protection Lead

Children in Scotland
Overview of child protection lead roles and responsibilities in Scotland. For those who oversee a team working with children & young people.