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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Goodmovers 27 March 2018

This feature is over 6 years old

Look who is on the move in the Scottish voluntary sector

Liam McCabe and Gemma Jones

Goodmovers 27 March 2018

Student representatives from across Scotland came together at NUS Scotland's annual conference to elect a new leadership team. Liam McCabe, current vice president of volunteering and development at the University of Strathclyde Students' Association, was elected president. Liam will take over from Luke Humberstone, for a one year term starting 1 July. Gemma Jones, currently president of Scotland's Rural College Students' Association, was elected vice president.

Diane Cooper

Goodmovers 27 March 2018

Diane Cooper, Scottish Federation of Housing Association's head of business development, has announced that she will be leaving the social housing umbrella body after more than 10 years. She is joining the Association of Chief Officers of Scottish Voluntary Organisations, where she will take up the role of sustainability manager.

Linda McEnhill

Goodmovers 27 March 2018

Linda McEnhill, has been named as the new chief executive at Ardgowan Hospice in Greenock. Linda has been involved in palliative care for 25 years, during which time she has worked in a range of settings as a practitioner, manager, director and lecturer, working both in Scotland and England. Keith McKellar, Ardgowan Hospice chair, said: "We are delighted that Linda has agreed to become our new chief executive and we are looking forward to continuing to develop hospice care under her leadership."

Gerald Oppenheim

Goodmovers 27 March 2018

The English and Welsh Fundraising Regulator has announced that Gerald Oppenheim has been appointed as its new chief executive, starting on 1 July. The appointment follows an exhaustive, competitive and public process led by the Fundraising Regulator's board. Oppenheim, who has been with the Fundraising Regulator since its inception in 2016, has played a role in the formative stages of the regulator in his capacity as head of policy and communications.