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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Goodmovers | 31 October 2014

This feature is over 10 years old

Find out who has a new job in the voluntary sector in our Goodmovers round-up. Don't forget to email your new starts to [email protected]

Roslyn Neely

The Sick Kids Friends Foundation (SKFF) has appointed Roslyn Neely as its new chief executive. Currently director of fundraising and communications at Children's Hospice Association Scotland (CHAS), Neely will replace Maureen Harrison when she retires in January next year following 17 years at the top of the charity. Neely who progressed from working as a regional fundraiser to taking a strategic place on the senior management team during 14 years at CHAS – is also a board member of Dundee children’s charity Youth-Link. To complement her work, she sits on a number of Scottish and UK working groups advising on fundraising and communications specific to children's palliative care issues.

Oonagh Aitken

Community Service Volunteers (CSV) has appointed Oonagh Aitken as its new chief executive. Aitken has been with CSV since 2012 as director of social action, volunteering, policy and fundraising. She is a former chief executive of COSLA and is heading up a new management team comprising of Laura Doughty, former deputy chief executive of Stonewall, Kate Morris, former head of group finance at The British Heart Foundation and is Szoneberg, a long-standing employee of CSV who is director of volunteering operations. Aitken replaces Lucy de Groot CBE.

Nigel Clarke

Vision 2020 UK, the eye health and sight loss sector umbrella organisation, has appointed Nigel Clarke as its new chair. Clarke’s appointment follows previous chair Nick Astbury stepping down after six years in the role. Clark is current chair of the General Pharmaceutical Council and a trustee of Partner Africa. Prior to this, he was audit chair on the board of the European Society of Cardiology, chair of Self Help Africa and chair of the General Osteopathic Council. He was also a trustee for 10 years for the Prince’s Foundation for Integrated Health, and a member of the Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence.

Peter Hills-Jones

The Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (PFRA) has appointed Peter Hills-Jones as chief executive. He replaces Sally de la Bedoyere who leaves to head up the animal charity Blue Cross. Hills-Jones is the organisation’s current head of policy and communications after joining the PFRA in March this year. He has a strong background in both the private sector and government, having recently completed stints as both executive director of a business improvement district and senior policy adviser in a local authority. He brings almost 15 years of political, policy and management experience to the role, including four years spent working for the House of Lords.