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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Top 10 Scottish charity news stories of 2013

This list is about 11 years old

From celebrity endorsements to benefits controversy, 2013 was an interesting year in the world of Scottish charity news. Here are the top ten most-read news stories on

1. Disabled man refused entry to nightclub after Scottish Charity Awards

POLICE were called to a Glasgow nightclub last night to remove a disabled man who crawled into the premises after being refused entry.

2. Benefits are getting stopped for unfair reasons, says CAS

SANCTIONS imposed for people on benefits are flawed, a leading charity has claimed.

3. Hail of criticism for PIA board as McIntosh resigns from chair

3. Hail of criticism for PIA board as McIntosh resigns from chair

A PROMINENT figure in the Scottish charity sector, who won Charity Champion at the Scottish Charity Awards in 2010, has resigned from the organisation he chairs under a cloud of controversy.

4. Gosling backs Scottish charity

4. Gosling backs Scottish charity

MOVIE star Ryan Gosling has leant his support to a fundraising campaign that aims to set up a respite centre in Stirlingshire in memory of a 15-year-old school girl who died of cancer in 2010.

5. Charity leaders launch Third Sector Yes

LEADING figures in Scotland’s third sector are backing the pro-independence movement with the launch of a new campaign.

6. Sue Ryder bullied out of DWP’s mandatory job scheme

CHARITY Sue Ryder has announced it is to withdraw from the Department for Work and Pensions’ mandatory back-to-work scheme.

7. Lloyds TSB Foundation loses legal battle and £3.5m

A high street bank has won a long-running legal battle against a Scottish charity for over £3.5m.

8. Bedroom tax breaches UN’s children’s rights

SCOTLAND’S Children’s Commissioner has warned that the “bedroom tax” breaches young people’s human rights by plunging them into poverty and harming their social, emotional and mental wellbeing.

9. Asylum applications would drop in an independent Scotland, says SRC

AN independent Scotland has the opportunity to create a fairer system for people fleeing persecution from their home countries, a Scottish charity said this week.

10. Charitable donations weathering tough economic climate

DONATIONS to charity are less likely to be cut back than other areas of spending, even in these tough economic times for British households, according to new research.