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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Charity launches walking podcast

This news post is almost 5 years old

Edith Bowman provides the voice for the new Mind to Walk podcast, created by Paths for All

A mood-boosting podcast to help Scots unwind while they walk has been released to the public.

The Mind to Walk podcast, narrated by DJ and presenter Edith Bowman, talks you through a walk that will relax your mind as you move your feet.

Launched by Scotland's walking charity, Paths for All, the audio is designed using mindfulness techniques to help people look after their mental wellbeing whilst getting their daily exercise during Covid-19.

During periods of social distancing, isolation and uncertainty, many have expressed increased feelings of anxiety, stress or worry. Daily outdoor exercise, whilst adhering to social distancing guidelines, has become an important way to look after physical and mental wellbeing.

The podcast uses Edith’s familiar voice to help the listener bring their mind and body together whilst enjoying 25 minutes of self-care.

Launched as part of May's National Walking Month, the campaign aims to support people dealing with stress and anxiety caused by Covid-19, during their once daily outdoor exercise as recommended by the government.

Ian Findlay, chief officer of Paths for All, hopes that people of all ages will give the podcast a listen, and believes the calming benefits of the Mind to Walk campaign can be far-reaching.

He said: “The power of a short daily walk has become even stronger recently. It's a time for us to wander outside, get some fresh air and leave our worries behind. With the podcast, we're hoping to make that burst of activity even more beneficial by helping people tune into their surroundings.

“The podcast is expertly scripted and Edith's comforting and recognisable voice will help any listener thoroughly de-stress and clear their head, to remove some of the tension a lot of us are feeling.

“I’d encourage you to try this frequently on your daily walks as evidence shows that the effects of mindfulness are greater the more you practice. It might feel a little awkward to start with, but the script is designed to be listened and enjoyed by everyone, regardless of experience in using mindfulness techniques.”

Written by Glasgow-based meditation expert Dassini Cadwallender, Mind to Walk has been designed to be used on any walking route - whether it is around a housing estate or in a nearby woodland, listeners will finish feeling calmer and ready to enjoy their day.

The voice behind the audio, Edith Bowman, is delighted to be involved and said: “This is such a strange time for us all and I think being aware of your physical and mental health is so important as we move forward into the unknown.

“When I heard about Mind to Walk, I was eager to be involved. If I can do one small thing to help a few folk’s lockdown less anxiety-ridden it makes me very happy. If we can get as many people as possible taking the podcast on their walks with them, that would be incredible, and hopefully helpful to them.”

Mind to Walk is freely available online on all popular podcast players or on the Paths for All website.