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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Edinburgh UK’s most generous city

This news post is over 5 years old

Most generous countries and cities ranked

Edinburgh is the most charitable place in the UK.

A report by GoFundMe revealed the city to be the country’s most generous with the UK the fifth most generous country in the world.

GoFundMe’s Year in Giving ranked countries and cities by donations per capita. It found one in seven British people donated via the GoFundMe giving platform.

Ireland was rated as the most generous country worldwide, followed by the United States, Australia and Canada, with the UK coming it at number five. The UK ranks as the second most generous country in Europe behind Ireland.

Edinburgh was reported as the most generous city in the UK, followed by Cambridge, Bath, Norwich and Bristol.

Rob Solomon, GoFundMe chief executive, said: “When it comes to social fundraising, the distance, background, or relationship to those in need doesn’t matter—our donors and organisers span the globe and have different needs, concerns, and interests.

“But what they all have in common is the drive to care for others and take action. They are people who see something and do something. We are changing the way the world gives! Every day we see more people taking an active role in making a difference, and our community continues to grow. In fact, nearly 60 per cent of donors were new this year.”

GoFundMe has also revealed some of the top political campaigns that have been launched throughout the year.

More than £300,000 has been raised for Democracy: The Fight Back, which launched after Leave.EU campaign funder Arron Banks threatened legal action against Guardian journalist Carole Cadwalladr.

Over £100,000 has been raised by Justice 4 Harry, after a suspect in a crash that killed Harry Dunn was able to leave the UK citing diplomatic immunity.