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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

EXCLUSIVE: plug pulled on major foodbank

This news post is about 9 years old

​Board of trustees said attacks by enemies had become too much for bosses at foodbank - which helped nearly 30,000 people.

One of Scotland’s busiest and best known foodbanks is to close, TFN can reveal.

Greater Maryhill Foodbank (GMF) will shut for good on Friday, 25 March, following a decision by its board of trustees.

In a statement, they said they had been forced to pull the plug on their operation following “prolonged and sustained” attacks from opponents, including well known mainstream media outlets.

Recently, it has been deprived of support from Glasgow City Council and the Scottish Government and has been subject to a probe by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.

27,114 individual have received emergency food provision which is all thanks to dedicated volunteers

The Maryhill foodbank – with its combative chief Julie Webster – has been seen by many to by symbolic of Glasgow’s response to austerity, and has received the backing of celebrities such as Frankie Boyle and Kevin Bridges.

However, it has had its critics, such as local SNP councillor Billy McAllister and the now defunct Glasgow’s Needy food collection operation, both of whom seperately questioned aspects of its running.

In its statement, the board said: “Due to the attacks on us we have struggled to sustain the service and have only been able to continue over the last few months thanks to the kindness of many Trussell Trust foodbanks based outside Glasgow providing Food to ensure the people of the north of the city are fed.

“We as the board would personally like to thank everyone who has continued to support us in out fight against hunger in Greater Maryhill/North communities of Glasgow.

“Greater Maryhill Foodbank, since opening its doors in January 2013, has fed and provided support to thousands of families and Individuals in the north of the city.

“In total 27,114 individual have received emergency food provision which is all thanks to dedicated volunteers and kindness and generosity of you all.

“Last but not least we would like to thank the volunteers for their dedication and commitment to GMF over the past three years.

“In particulate our co-ordinator Julie Webster who has devoted three years of her life to running the project. Julie has shown absolute dedication to Greater Maryhill Foodbank and even when her and her family were put under personal attack she still remained committed to sustaining GMF.”



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Bob Roberts
over 8 years ago
Does anyone know who the trustees of this foodbank were? It seems to be shrouded in mystery.
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