Gay men experience more health problems than the rest of society but new Edinburgh charity aims to change that
Gay and bisexual men are more likely to experience poor sexual health, twice as likely to have mental health problems, alcohol or drug problems and are more often victims of hate crime.
These are the shocking findings of research that has led to the creation of new Lothian charity SX, which aims to help men who have sex with men improve their health.
The organisation says gay men are in greater need of sexual health messages, having often missed out on sexual and relationship education at school.
SX, which replaces Gay Men's Health which closed earlier this year, will provide a one-stop-shop for men’s health needs including information and advice on sex and relationships and access to regular sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing, condoms and lubricant.
In addition SX will provide one-to-one support, counselling and a helpline dealing with a range of issues including sexual and mental health, discrimination and other health and social inequalities.
Trained volunteers will play a key role in the delivery of the service. Chris Dalziel, a volunteer for SX, said it was a much needed service.
“As a gay man living in Edinburgh I can’t say how proud I am to be part of a community project that will build and empower our community to take action and tackle the social and health inequalities we face," he said. "Services such as HIV tests where results are given in less time than it takes to make a cup of tea will make a huge difference to the lives of gay and bisexual men across the Lothian region.”
We won’t preach or judge, it's about listening, understanding and giving men the confidence to live life their way and live it well
SX is being delivered by Waverley Care in partnership with LGBT Health. At its launch in Edinburgh, Waverley Care chief executive Grant Sugden said: "Scotland gets a lot of things right when it comes to LGBT issues but gay and bisexual men continue to face real health and social inequalities. SX is about bridging that gap.
"Sexual health's a big part of what we do, talking positively about sex and healthy relationships, and helping guys reduce the risk of STIs. But there's more to being a gay or bisexual man than just sex.
"Discrimination is still a big issue that puts many guys off looking for support. This can lead to issues around mental health and self-confidence that leave men open to making choices that may not be in the best interests of their health.
"SX gives guys a place within the community where they can come to talk about anything they've got going on in their lives. We won’t preach or judge, it's about listening, understanding and giving men the confidence to live life their way and live it well."
The project is being funded by NHS Lothian and builds on existing services across Lothian.
Dr Duncan F. McCormick, consultant in public health medicine of NHS Lothian, added: "All of the evidence we have points to the continuing challenges facing gay and bisexual men, and men who have sex with men, and tackling this remains a priority for the health board.
"There are a number of existing quality sexual health and reproductive health services across Lothian where men who have sex with men can access confidential, convenient sexual health information and testing, even within their own community setting.
"The work of SX will build on these existing services to provide a holistic approach that includes positive discussions around sexual health alongside mental health support and we are looking forward to working with the partners involved."