New mag looks at poverty, homelessness and Black History Month
Welcome to TFN’s October edition – which you can read in full here.
Poverty is probably the biggest issue facing society – and is certainly the reason large parts of the third sector exist, as charities seek to combat its effects, help its victims and root out its causes.
To mark the recent Challenge Poverty Week, TFN is taking a look at the issue, and is asking whether the Scottish Government’s much vaunted – in some quarters – policies in this direction are actually working.
And if not, why not?
Of course, the issue of homelessness is inextricably linked to poverty, and TFN recently investigated how homeless people are being treated in Scotland’s capital city – specifically when big events like the Fringe or major pop concerts come to town.
Read our findings inside.
As well marking as being Challenge Poverty Week, this is also Black History Month, so we look at a remarkable film by media co-op, which brings home the reality of everyday racism in a remarkable manner.
You will find all of that this month as well as TFN's usual line up of excellent columnists and features.
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