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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Should Jobcentre staff be housed in foodbanks?

This poll is over 9 years old

People often visit foodbanks because they can't find work, but is it a good idea to have Jobcentre staff waiting for them there?

Should Jobcentre staff be housed in foodbanks?


Work and pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith wants to place Jobcentre staff in foodbanks in an attempt to offer the unemployed job and benefits advice.

Following a successful pilot in an independent foodbank in Manchester, a spokesperson from the UK's biggest network of foodbanks, the Trussell Trust, said it was looking into the feasibility of doing the same.

But since Jobcentre sanctions is one of the main reasons people give for turning to emergency food outlets, do you think it's right to allow their staff into these charitable premises?

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michael dixon
over 9 years ago
I think it would be an eye opener for Jobcentre staff to be placed into food banks. Rather than sitting comfortably in a nice warm office let them see for themselves the distress that sanctions and delays are causing. You never know, some staff may be brought round to understanding peoples feelings and some may even develop a sense of 'duty of care' instead of ignorance of what is really going on.
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craig samuel
over 9 years ago
Trussell trust do not represent all food banks and DWP telling people what to do and how to live their lives is not advice and is certainly not fair representation.
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almost 9 years ago
I think tact and sensitivity should be used if/when placing job centre staff in food banks. I think they should be an optional extra that food bank staff may signpost people to if conversations arise indicating that employability related support might be welcomed by them, but it should be on a voluntary basis, directed by the people using the food bank themselves i.e. like a drop-in. Due to potential resentments or hostility due to people's high stress levels, protective measures should be in place to support people from the job centre and the public so that (unlike most job-centres) the drop in at the food bank is a genuinely supportive and welcoming environment, offering advice and support.
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