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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Should the Scottish Parliament ban fracking?

This poll is almost 9 years old

TFN poll: should Holyrood ban fracking?

Should the Scottish Parliament ban fracking?


Calls have been made for the Scottish Parliament to ban fracking.

MSPs voted to end the controversial practice this week - but the decision is non-binding.

This means that Scotland still faces the prospect of being subjected to the controversial energy extraction process – despite MSPs voting to forbid it.

A charged session of the Scottish Parliament this week saw politicians vote for an outright ban – but the minority SNP government is not compelled to act.

It came about after Labourforced a vote on the gas extraction technology – which opponents claim causes huge environmental damage.

The SNP – which supports a moratorium rather than an outright ban – abstained, leaving the pro-ban Labour, Green and LibDems to out gun the pro-fracking Tories by 32 to 29.

Nationalists have said a ban could stray into legislative territory reserved to Westminster, which could leave the Scottish Government open to a legal challenge, and thus pave the way for fracking firms.

The SNP – which included opposition to fracking in its recent Holyrood manifesto – also says it is conducting thorough research into the issue.

However, the Scottish Greens and Friends of the Earth Scotland insist the Scottish Parliament could introduce a complete ban on the technique.

So that's why we're asking: should the Scottish Parliament ban fracking?

Vote now and contribute to the debate by leaving a comment.

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Russell Morton
almost 9 years ago
What is the point of holding any vote that is non-binding. As the majority of MSP's voted against fracking why are their votes meaningless. What is the point of having a parliament where votes are ignored?
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almost 9 years ago
Scotland has plenty of people experienced in fraccing, in Aberdeen & facing an uncertain employment. Scotland has decades of offshore fraccing experience.The vote was a silly exercise in DebSoc politics. 32 votes is only a quarter of MSPs - it signifies nothing.
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D Wright
almost 9 years ago
Why can we not benefit from the wealth of information and experience of other countries and the terrible outcomes ahead using fracking. Scottish Water is a valuable commodity as well as its uses in making our quality Whisky. That's just the possible effects on our water. We are using money on a moratorium that can better be used on our valuable services more specifically supporting vulnerable groups that are fast growing in our current society. Stop Fracking NOW!
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