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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Goodmovers | Look who has a new job in the voluntary sector | 23 November 2016

This feature is over 8 years old

Find out who has been appointed to fill some of the biggest roles in the third sector in our latest Goodmovers round-up. Email details of your new starts to [email protected]

Clare Toner

Goodmovers | Look who has a new job in the voluntary sector | 23 November 2016

The Scottish Wildlife Trust has appointed a new full time Falkirk ranger to help local communities become inspired by the nature that surrounds them. Clare Toner will manage Jupiter Urban Wildlife Centre, an oasis in the centre of industrial Grangemouth, and help local people engage with the trust’s wildlife reserves in the region. Clare has been employed by the trust as a seasonal ranger at Jupiter since April 2016. She joined the trust from Stirling University Students’ Union where she worked as an environmental projects assistant.

Jim Metcalfe

Goodmovers | Look who has a new job in the voluntary sector | 23 November 2016

College Development Network has announced the appointment of its new chief executive, Jim Metcalfe. Jim is currently head of development and practice at the Carnegie UK Trust. His work with the trust over the last five years has focused on entrepreneurship and skills, local economic development, and supporting leadership networks across sectors. He has also worked extensively with further education institutions across the UK and Ireland. Prior to joining Carnegie UK, Jim worked as a director with Age Concern. He is a director of the UK Energy Saving Trust, and a member of the national council of the Centre for Local Economic Strategies. He is also a member of the Scottish Government Strengthening Communities board. Jim lives in Glasgow with his wife Sarah, and their two children Rosa and Ally. He takes up his post in January.

Jacqui Low

Goodmovers | Look who has a new job in the voluntary sector | 23 November 2016

Fife’s leading charity serving blind and partially sighted people has announced its new chair will be Jacqui Low, one of Scotland’s leading businesswomen. Low created the award-winning communications agency Indigo almost 20 years ago and is the current executive chair. Born in Fife, she is taking over the chair's role at Fife Society for the Blind at an important time for the organisation. For the first time in Fife Society’s 151-year history the organisation is being led at both board level and executive level by two women, with its chief executive being Ann Porter.