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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Golf ace stuns charity shop with donation

This news post is over 8 years old

​Surprise donations leaves staff at BHF shop stunned

One of the world’s top golfers stunned staff at a charity shop in Edinburgh when he donated over 100 items of sportswear.

Lee Westwood, who recently moved to the capital, visited British Heart Foundation’s (BHF) shop in Shandwick Place and helped unload the the gear from the back of his car.

The stock went on sale in the shop on Friday instantly making the charity £1,650 in two days.

Dunlop items, including polo tops and T-shirts, would usually set customers back £50 each on the high street but they were on sale in the shop at a heavily discounted price of £20 each or two tops for £30.

General manager Janis Hogg said: “He just came in out of the blue and we didn’t know who he was at first.

“He brought in two large boxes – one with polo tops of all different colours still in their packets. They hadn’t even been opened.

“The other had keep-fit wear inside. He asked if we would like to have this as a donation and we said ‘Yes, very much so’. He was very nice.

The BHF does fantastic work and I’m delighted to be able to help such a good cause

“After he had helped us unload some of the stuff he just smiled at us and went.

“As far as we know he hasn’t been in the shop before but we certainly hope he comes back.”

Westwood has set up a new base in the capital, where his two children – Sam and Poppy – now live after he split from their mum.

He said: “The BHF does fantastic work and I’m delighted to be able to help such a good cause.”

Hogg added: “We are absolutely delighted to have received such a generous and unique donation to our Shandwick Place Shop and that Lee has chosen to support the BHF. This really does go to show the wealth and variety of items that our shops stock.

“We’re hoping that lots of golfing enthusiasts will pop down to the shop to see what we have to offer.

"Each purchase made will help in the fight against heart disease and mean the BHF can fund even more life-saving heart research across the UK.”