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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

One Million Miles launched in memory of tragic Ellie

This news post is almost 10 years old

​Cancer survivor launches fundraiser in memory of daughter who died of the illness last year

A new appeal in memory of a much-loved woman who died from cancer aged just 23 is to be launched.

Ellie MacDonald (pictured) died last year only weeks after graduating from St Andrews University.

Determined to help others, her mum Michelle - who has overcome breast cancer twice - is starting 1 Million Miles for Ellie, an appeal to raise a million pounds for those touched by cancer.

She’s asking people to help raise money by doing anything from a simple walk on the beach to a mountain climb, a kayaking expedition to a triathlon- all to beat cancer sooner.

Ellie's bucket list

1. Destroy cancer.

2. Work with monkeys in a foreign country.

3. See as much of Latin America as possible (and some crazy volcanos)

4. Take part in a sailing expedition.

5. See the northern lights in Iceland (and more volcanos).

6. Climb another mountain. (preferably Aconcagua but many other mountains are also cool)

7. Backpack through SE Asia.

8. Pass my driving test and go on a crazy road trip.

9. Volunteer somewhere remote.

10. Go to a major sport event eg Olympics or World Cup.

After adding up all the miles covered by participants, organisers hope to hit their million mile target.

Michelle, 50, of North Uist said: “Ellie was so precious to all our family and meant everything to me.

“Walking was the original driving force behind this campaign but I hope it will inspire so much more.

"Whether you decide to do the ordinary – walk to the shops for a week and contribute the money saved on fuel to the cause - or decide to do something extraordinary like skiing down a mountain for Ellie, we’d be delighted to have you on board.

"Ellie made a bucket list before she died and it was packed full of adventurous plans. It showed how she really believed anything was possible. We’re keen to capture that enthusiasm, energy and inspiration in 1 Million Miles for Ellie.”

Money raised will be split between Cancer Research UK, which funds research in to 200 cancers, Maggie’s which offers free support to people going through cancer as well as their family and friends and Macmillan Cancer Support which provides practical, emotional, financial and medical support to anyone affected by cancer.

The plans will be unveiled at a special fun day on June 20 at Malaclete Machair, Sollas in North Uist between 2pm and 6pm.

Hundreds of purple balloons are set to soar in to the sky as a tribute to Ellie at the fun day.

The fun day for Ellie is on 20 June at the marquee at Malaclete Machair, Sollas in North Uist. It starts at 2pm and includes a sponsored walk, beach football, pillow fights and an old crocks football match. There will also be yoga on the beach, a bouncy castle, face painting and a barbecue as well as Highland beef on a spit.

There is also a family ceilidh between 7pm and midnight.

The Million Miles for Ellie website,, will be made active on 20 June.