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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

February 2025

Introduction to people management: essentials for team leaders, supervisors and managers

This interactive course covers tools and techniques to get the best out of your people including delegation skills, team engagement and holding people to account. You will learn active listening and good...
20 February Fully booked Online

Payments for children in Scotland

CPAG in Scotland
This course provides an overview of benefit support for families in Scotland from pregnancy to school age. Scottish child payment is available for almost half of all children under 16 and significantly...
20 February Online Social justice & poverty

Payments for children in Scotland

CPAG in Scotland
This course provides an overview of benefit support for families in Scotland from pregnancy to school age. Scottish child payment is available for almost half of all children under 16 and significantly...
20 February Online Social justice & poverty

Time management in the workplace

In today’s climate it is essential individuals manage the demands on their time and know how to organise their daily tasks to reduce stress. This online course has everything you need to take control of your...
20 February Online

SFHA Housing Management Conference

Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
This event is to exchange ideas and promote best practice around all things Housing Management. Join colleagues from across Scotland for networking, discussion and learning about the key issues facing Housing...
20 February The Studio 67 Hope Street Regeneration & housing

Agile project management: what is it and how can we use it

Join Maddie Stark for our re-worked Adaptive agile masterclass series 'Adaptive agile: how to create responsive and sustainable teams' to learn how to adapt agile methodologies and in doing so how...
20 February Fully booked Online

Chairs Network Scotland: Setting Organisation Culture

Join us for an exclusive event designed for Chairs and Vice-Chairs to explore the role they play in setting and driving organisational culture. This session will focus on the collaboration between Chairs/Vice...
20 February Online Management

Benefit basics in Scotland

CPAG in Scotland
You do not need to be a benefit expert to make a difference. This course is for anyone working with people in Scotland on low incomes or with additional needs. You will learn the basics of social security and...
24 February Online Social justice & poverty

Plan, measure and report social impact

Through group work and individual exercises this one day course will cover: benefits of monitoring and evaluating key stages of measuring impact and valuewhat is impact and what is value?the current measurement...
24 February Fully booked Online

Helping third sector stay safe online

Charities are using digital systems every day to deliver their services and keep in touch but with this capability comes a level of risk. Join us for an engaging half-day event tailored specifically for third...
24 February Online